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Oxazepam 10mg N
30 pastillas - 166.67 EURO (5.56 EURO/pastilla) Añadir al carrito
Product Name: Oxazepam 10mg
Name of active ingredient: Oxazepam
Manufactured by: PCH
Dosage: 10mg

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Phone number necessary in address
Shipped from: EU

Para órdenes más grandes la tarifa de envío Registered Mail se aplicarán para cada 100 pastillas.
Para los pedidos con más de 300 pastillas o para las compras Por Mayor, por favor, contactenos a [email protected] para recibir un descuento.

Shipped from: EU

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Oxazepam 10MG dampens emotions and therefore has a calming effect when you are anxious or tense.

The dosage of this medication depends on what it is used for. Depending on the circumstance, it may be used regularly or only as needed. Follow the instructions provided by your doctor or pharmacist. It is not advisable to stop using this product suddenly, particularly if you have been on it for several weeks. If you are considering stopping the medication, talk to your doctor or pharmacist first.

This medication may be taken with or without food. Consuming alcohol may intensify the effect of this product. Limit alcohol consumption to occasional small quantities.

Side effects
In addition to its desired action, this medication may cause some side effects, notably:

- it may cause memory loss;
- it may cause dryness of the mouth;
- it may cause headaches;
- it may cause dizziness -- use caution when getting up from a lying or sitting position;
- it may cause unusual tiredness;
- it may cause drowsiness that lasts until the next day -- use caution until you know how you will react. Each person may react differently to a treatment. If you think this medication may be causing side effects (including those described here, or others), talk to your doctor or pharmacist. He or she can help you to determine whether or not the medication is the source of the problem.

As with most medications, this product should be stored at room temperature. Store it in a secure location where it will not be exposed to excessive heat, moisture or direct sunlight. Make sure that any leftover portion is disposed of safely. This drug is occasionally sought out by teenagers for non-medical purposes. Please store in a safe place.

Additional Information
This treatment may be habit-forming. Do not use this medication for longer than necessary. If you have difficulty stopping the medication when the treatment is finished, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

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