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Strattera 10 mg D
30 pillole - 97.22 EURO (3.24 EURO/pillola) Aggiungi al carrello
60 pillole - 183.33 EURO (3.06 EURO/pillola) Aggiungi al carrello
90 pillole - 250 EURO (2.78 EURO/pillola) Aggiungi al carrello
Product Name: Strattera 10mg
Name of active ingredient: Atomoxetine
Dosage: 10 mg

Phone number necessary in address
Shipped from: EU

Per ordini più grandi la tassa di trasporto Posta Raccomandata sarà applicata per ogni 100 pillole.
Per ordini superiori a 300 pillole oppure bulk ordini, si e' invitati a contattare [email protected] alfine di ottenere un prezzo speciale.

Spedito da: EU

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Atomoxetine is utilized to treat consideration shortfall hyperactivity issue (ADHD) as a component of an absolute treatment plan, including mental, social, and different medicines. It might build the capacity to focus, concentrate, remain centered, and quit squirming. It is thought to work by reestablishing the equalization of certain normal substances (synapses) in the mind.


Peruse the Medication Guide given by your drug specialist before you begin utilizing atomoxetine and each time you get a refill. In the event that you have any inquiries, ask your specialist or drug specialist.

Take this drug with or without nourishment as coordinated by your specialist, normally 1 to 2 times each day. The principal portion is generally taken when you get up in the first part of the day. In the event that a second portion is recommended, accept it as coordinated by your specialist, typically in the late evening/early night. Taking this medicine late stuck in an unfortunate situation resting (sleep deprivation).

Gulp down the cases. Try not to smash, bite, or open the cases. On the off chance that the case is incidentally opened or broken, keep away from contact with the powder and wash away any free powder at the earliest opportunity with water. On the off chance that the powder gets in your eyes, flush with a lot of water immediately and contact your specialist.

The measurements depends on your ailment, reaction to treatment, and different medications you might take. Make sure to inform your specialist and drug specialist concerning every one of the items you use (counting physician recommended medications, nonprescription medications, and natural items). Try not to expand your portion or take this medication more regularly than coordinated.

Utilize this medicine routinely to get the most profit by it. To enable you to recall, take it at the equivalent time(s) every day.

Tell your specialist if your condition does not improve or on the off chance that it exacerbates.

Side Effects:

Stomach upset, queasiness, regurgitating, stoppage, tiredness, loss of hunger/weight reduction, dry mouth, unsteadiness, languor, inconvenience dozing, or decline in sexual capacity/want may happen. In ladies, menstrual spasms or missed/unpredictable periods may likewise happen. On the off chance that any of these impacts endure or exacerbate, tell your specialist or drug specialist instantly.

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